Tag: ivf hospital in gurgaon

Why is the Embryology Lab the foundation of IVF success?

What is Embryology Lab? An embryology lab is a specialized laboratory where critical processes involved in assisted reproductive technologies (ART), particularly In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), are carried out. Here are the key components and functions of an embryology lab: The primary elements that you should keep in mind are: We used the most advanced embryology lab at CIFAR, the Centre…

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June is World Infertility Awareness Month – Why does it matter?

Every year in June, World Infertility Awareness Month is observed under World Health Organisation. A public health concern worldwide- infertility-for which awareness can be raised which will assist more couples realise they are not alone on their path to begin or expand their family and especially if there is a struggle happening to do so.. Furthermore, a lot of people…

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What Are the Risks of High Blood Pressure in Infertility Patients?

What is Hypertension? According to Dr Puneet Rana Arora, Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a medical disorder characterised by persistently elevated force exerted by the blood on the walls of your arteries. This exerts additional pressure on your heart and augments the likelihood of severe health complications such as cardiovascular disease, cerebral infarction, and renal insufficiency. Here’s a breakdown…

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Can thalassemia be treated with the help of IVF through PGT-M?

What is Thalassemia? Thalassemia is a group of inherited blood disorders characterized by abnormal haemoglobin production. Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. There are two main types of thalassemia, alpha thalassemia (Major thalassemia) and beta thalassemia (Minor thalassemia), depending on which part of the haemoglobin molecule is affected. Thalassemia can result…

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Exploring the 9 Steps to Hand Hygiene for IVF Treatment Safety

Hand hygiene is essential for IVF safety. During IVF, eggs and sperm are handled in a laboratory setting to create embryos. These embryos are very delicate and susceptible to infection. Proper hand hygiene by staff and patients can help to reduce the risk of contamination and improve IVF success rates. Here are the 9 key steps for proper hand hygiene…

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How HIV Affects Fertility in men and women?

HIV, also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, can greatly impair fertility in both males and females, mostly because of its impacts on the reproductive system and overall well-being. Let’s counter with some facts and statistics. Infertility can be affected by HIV in the following ways: Impact on Men’s Fertility: Impact on Women’s Fertility: Transmission of HIV during Conception: HIV can…

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What is the impact of polycystic ovary syndrome on female fertility?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal condition that is characterised by long-term absence of ovulation. The typical signs of PCOS include irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), and weight gain. It can have a significant impact on fertility due to various hormonal imbalances and associated symptoms. Infertility is most frequently caused by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which…

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How does obesity impact fertility?

Obesity is a complex condition that has a negative impact on people globally and is becoming a focal point in modern healthcare regarding costs, policies, and interventions. Obesity’s effect on reproductive function, particularly ovulatory problems, is mostly caused by endocrine mechanisms that disrupt neuroendocrine and ovarian functioning, leading to a decrease in ovulation regulation. Obese women have a three times…

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How does endometriosis impact fertility?

What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a disorder where tissue resembling the endometrium grows outside the uterus. This tissue is located on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, exterior surface of the uterus, and other organs in the pelvis. Endometriosis is a persistent and frequently painful illness that impacts women of reproductive age, but can also manifest in postmenopausal women. Also , Endometriosis…

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